Monday, August 31, 2015

Day 8

The pictures I posted tonight are of the El Rancho Hotel where we are staying tonight. We try and stay at the original hotels and motels, and this is one of the best.  Many movies were filmed in New Mexico, and many famous people stayed here. As you can see we are in the Lucille Ball room.  Ethyl isn't here.   We spent most of our day in downtown Santa Fe.  We saw the oldest home and oldest church in the USA.  Time well spent, but we are country girls and are happy to once again be in the wide open spaces. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Day 7

WOW! What a great day. More than we had planned. Started out walking Bandelier and seeing the cliff dwellings.  Then visited Los Alamos the site of the Manhattan Project.....learned so much.  Then on to Ghost Ranch.  The landscape in NM is just beautiful and so varied.  We then decided to take the north route to Taos!  We didn't reach our destination as we spent too much time eating at a roadside cafe and talking to the locals....that is half the fun on this trip..... So just headed back to our room.  Time for bed.  Good night to all and God Bless you.

Echo Amphitheater

Ghost Ranch New Mexico

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Day 6

What an unusual day!   We started out with a stop at the Cadillac Ranch, and I hope you were able to see the picture.  We then traveled on to the Mid Point Café in Adrian Texas for a delicious breakfast. And fun conversations with the locals and Route 66 travelers from Australia and England.  We started on our way again only to be caught behind a 2.5 hour standstill because of a RV fire ahead.  When we were  able to start again we saw the large RV burned to the ground.  The good news was that no one was hurt.  The rest of our day was spent driving through interesting, flat New Mexico, until we reached the beautiful mountains of New Mexico.  We stopped and enjoyed ice cream in Las Vegas (Las Vegas,  New Mexico that is).  We are ready to explore Santa Fe tomorrow.

Cadillac Ranch

Friday, August 28, 2015

Day 5

Another wonderful day on Route 66.  We only traveled another 250 miles ....... Just too much to see, and too many locals to talk to. One correction, the cross picture was taken at Groom Texas. Very interesting sight and worth looking it up on the internet. I know some of you can't leave comments.  I am not sure why but I can't see them either but Mary can.  We visited Devil's Rope museum. It is all about barbed wire. You are thinking......only people raised on a farm would enjoy that! was true Route 66 flavor.  The high spot of the day was our drive to the bottom of Palo Euro Canyon....the 2nd largest canyon in the USA.  See you tomorrow.

Groom Texas

McLean Texas

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Day 4

We only drove 250 miles today! Just having too much fun and too much to see. We met and visited with Jerry McClanahan the man who wrote one of our most useful books for planning our trip. Loved the round barn, and had a very moving visit to "The Field of Empty Chairs".  A reminder of those killed in the explosion April 19, 1995.

OK State House with oil well in front!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Day 3

We have now managed to get through Missouri and Kansas today and part of Oklahoma. 300 miles per day seems to be our speed as we stop and visit all the spots we planned and more.  My pictures don't do the places justice..... I am working on that.  The flying manure spreader was our favorite.  The people have been so nice and so helpful....some are real characters, but they love their Route 66 and have been involved for years.  We are safe and very happy with our trip.

Flying manure spreader!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2nd day

We so enjoyed our tour of the Meramec Caverns.  Then on to Cuba MO for lunch at Missouri Hickory Bar B Q. It was the best. (We skipped Riverside Reptile Ranch!).   Cuba has 12 beautiful murals on the side of buildings depicting bygone days.  We walked several blocks taking pictures.  I could go on and on.  We have left the beauty of the fields in IN and IL. We are now enjoying the hills and trees of MO.  Route 66 has been well marked and we have been able to travel on the old road most of the time.

Monday, August 24, 2015

1st day

All is well.  350 miles, good food and wonderful sights. Next time I will try and add pictures and give details.  Just learning to blog and a little tired.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ready Set Go!

Mary and I are almost ready for our trip. You may not see any posts until August 25th.